CLTD Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution


O curso CLTD (Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution) é essencial para profissionais e empresas na área de logística, transportes e distribuição. Focado em estratégias fundamentais, abrange temas como logística, armazenagem, distribuição e transportes, definindo padrões globais de melhores práticas. Desenhado para destacar atuações em ambientes dinâmicos e competitivos, o CLTD capacita com informações cruciais. Ao participar, aprimora-se habilidades, obtêm-se insights valiosos e prepara-se para otimizar operações logísticas. Uma referência em excelência, o curso molda o futuro destas áreas, capacitando profissionais a liderarem com destaque. Esteja à frente no setor com o CLTD, fonte confiável para impulsionar carreiras e aprimorar operações logísticas.


Mentoria CLTD Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution


Module 1: Logistics Overview and Strategy
• Outlining the principles that make logistics useful, including economic drivers
• Understanding how logistics fits within supply chain management
• Managing logistics strategy, including the logistics value proposition
• Developing flexible logistics frameworks and collaborative relationships
• Exploring strategic-level risk management
• Using fundamental performance measurements and benchmarking
• Implementing reengineering and continuous improvement philosophies

Module 2: Logistics Network Design
• Implementing a logistics network design process
• Considering transportation requirements driving logistics network plans
• Using tools and analyses to select node patterns and links
• Adopting risk management
• Planning for network security and business continuity

Module 3: Sustainability and Reverse Logistics
• Understanding how logistics plays a key role in demonstrating organizational social responsibility
• Managing the triple bottom line, including carbon footprint reductions and green initiatives
• Selecting vendors based on sustainable practices
• Demonstrating responsibility when handling and managing hazardous and dangerous materials

Module 4: Capacity Planning and Demand Management
• Understanding the basics of forecasting including various types of forecasts
• Shaping demand for logistics services
• Translating demand information into planning for transportation and warehousing capacity
• Providing input during S&OP and participating in collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment
• Planning for distribution requirements
• Managing supply, including ERP master scheduling
• Developing a process and selecting a purchasing strategy

Module 5: Order Management
• Performing customer relationship management during order management activities
• Implementing CRM to strengthen relationships
• Meeting customer needs
• Achieving service levels according to customer demand
• Managing the process steps and logistics decision points of inbound, intracompany, and outbound order management

Module 6: Inventory Management
• Understanding inventory management, planning, and control
• Contrasting stakeholder expectations for inventory management
• Summarizing the different functions or purposes inventory serves in a business
• Illustrating the major types of inventory costs
• Differentiating approaches to safety stock and determinations of when to order
• Performing calculations related to standard deviation, economic order quantity, and reorder points
• Describing lean, just-in-time, ABC, vendor-managed inventory and other alternative approaches
• Listing common performance metrics

Module 7: Warehouse Management
• Understanding warehousing strategies and determining which to use
• Considering physical aspects and tactics related to warehousing design
• Exploring warehousing challenges and trends
• Summarizing warehouse ownership types and functions
• Determining warehouse operations performance measures
• Diving deep into warehouse processes, layouts, materials handling, systems and automation, and packaging

Module 8: Transportation
• Outlining transportation fundamentals including cost structure, stakeholders, capabilities, carrier types, mode classifications, and selection considerations
• Diving deep into the modes of transportation including road, rail, air, water, pipeline, intermodal, and parcel/courier
• Managing transportation according to guiding principles
• Considering tradeoffs when designing transportation networks, selecting carriers and modes, and planning routes and schedules

Module 9: Global Logistics Considerations
• Examining current factors in the global logistics space
• Staying competitive while balancing cost and level of service
• Exploring the history of international trade theories and infrastructure
• Discussing global logistics performance indicators and trade specialists
• Complying with international trade regulations
• Preparing customs documentation
• Discussing finance, payment options, terms of sale, payment methods, currency issues, trade zones, and hedging


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